Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails
This is my blog on Ruby on Railslog 1 - 060503 - 9:36 am
Currently I have just installed Ruby on Rails... it was quite a pain ;)
bad timing I guess.
My machine:
512 ram
HP compaq tc1100 tablet
(looks like the one Angelina Jolin used in Mr and Mrs Smith =P)
Versions I used:
Ruby: 1.8.4.rc1
RubyGem: 0.8.11
Details can be found here:
do note that the site recommends 1.8.4 but the link is to 1.8.2
If you use 1.8.2, rubygem will hang when it tries to update the source index.
I could not find any solution to it (as in code patches or configurations, arcane commands and the like ;P but uninstalling 1.8.2 and installing 1.8.4 seems to work)
of course these things change so damn fast, the date today is 060503
things may have changed by the time you read this of course =)
[part of the fun in open source is solving the bugs =P]
I will probably just keep editing this post to keep things sane =P
With 1.8.4 installation is a gem! lol
Still on the same site (i.e. setting up rails)...
some oddities you should note (esp if you are a windows addict like me)
the site says:
rails path/to/your/new/application
the next line goes:
cd path/to/your/new/application
now... this is windows and you ARE using the cd command so its '\'
When you run the ruby rails server, windows firewall may complain, just "unblock"
This was a GODSEND!
******************************************************** [Rails] Connection refused on new install--Not QuestionRay Dai raydai at gmail.comThu Dec 15 06:51:15 GMT 2005
Downloaded/installed Ruby on Rails 1.0 on Windows,
More information about the Rails mailing list from: ******************************************************** |
Replace the original site's command with this:
ruby script/server -b
using the site's original code (ruby script/server) - I got connection refused whether with Firefox or IE.
filed as: rubydocs060721.txt
Ruby on rails:
Three pieces of codes are important:
1. rails mainName
2. ruby script\generate model modelName
3. ruby script\generate controller modelName
Running 1. creates the main folder, from then on, run 2
and 3 in that folder.
Running 2 creates the necessary folders for the model,
this is akin to classes in Java. There are quite a few
built in functions (such as validation)
Running 3. creates the controller files. note that
controller handles "actions"
Between the views and controllers there is an
interesting/convenient relationship.
every action in the controllers must have a matching
.rhtml file or a "template not found error" will be
on creating the xxx.rhtml (for example if your controller
has a "def xxx"), the next time you go say
localhost:3000/blah/xxx, it will display the xxx.rhtml
note that if in def xxx you have render_text "blah", it
will override the xxx.rhtml file, i.e. you will not see
it. also note that render_text has been deprecated.
So far i have achieved linkage between rhtmls but data
access has been problem matic.
I have found out how to get the scaffolding.
essentially you just need to great a table with the plural
of the model name and in the model_name_controller.rb file
edit it so that it has for example:
class CustomerController < ApplicationController
scaffold :customer
once you have this ntyping
will by default give you a listing of the associated
In this case, customers.
The problem here is that I cannot see the list.rhtml in
I believe this to be a bug, as most of my search on the
web actually shows that the list.rhtml exists.
Moreover, if I write a blank file called list.rhtml into
apps/views/customer, when I type
localhost:3000/blah/customer, I actually get a blank page.
Indicating that the file had over written something in
However if I delete the blank file, i cannot get back the
list.rhtml view. I can restore it however by restarting
the server.
go to the root of the rubyonrails app folder and type
"crtl C" then ruby script/server
Its really weird.
One alternative is to use this command:
ruby script/generate scaffold Product Admin
where Product is the name of the model for which you which
to build the scaffold and Admin is th ename of the
controller for the model.
You can then use the Admin controller to manage the
you could similarly create
ruby script/generate scaffold customer
which is the model I am using.
But it generates customers, instead.
All in all i have given up trying to use the scaffold,
opting for the more direct way of database access then
data manipulation.
THis seems to be shown in the Agile Web Development with
Rails page 64.
But I think I have to read more resources and maybe brush
up on my ruby.
[update - 060723]
ruby for windows can be downloaded here
[/update - 060723]
[update - 060726]
now the command for generating models is:
>> ruby script\generate model modelName
>> ruby script\generate controller modelName
command for generating a scaffold is:
>>ruby script/generate scaffold modelname controllerName
strictly speaking you need to leave out the "controller" portion when you use the command.
so an example could be
>> ruby script/generate scaffold boo boo
this command will actually generate a boo_controller
The scaffold is good for learning how the database access and paging works.
I did two scaffolds.
one for a model called main another was for a model called customer (yes my previous one)
What I realised to my consternation was that I could not call the action of another controller.
It was somewhat disappointing.
However that got me to messing with my controller and .rhtml files.
I wonder if ROR has tags to make certain divs invisible....
I know can.
It was really odd, I put some of the codes from the main_controller into the customer_controller and some of the main.rhtml into the customer.rhtml....
this got me running 2 tables.. most odd =)
Oh and I realised the pagination is global.. but how many each shows on a page is dependent on its own marker... =)
Although I cannot conceivably understand why I would want to do that...
[/update - 060726]
[update - 060727]
a few things I have learnt today:
creating a partial portion of a page.
this is the tag that does it:
<%= render :partial => 'form' %>
the 'form' is the in reference to a .rhtml in the views
to denote such folders, I suspect you need to add an under
score to the from of the name of the .rhtml
for e.g. the 'form' refers to the _form.rhtml file
Another discovery, having underscores as column names in
mySQL screws up ROR
for example:
if the column names for a table are:
ID, Subject, Reply_to, Text, Topic_ID
Topic_ID will not bw printed when you use the list scaffold
also Reply_to is printed as "Reply to"
This bug, took some time... good lord....
Good advice on passing parameters
[/update - 060727]
do a nice little tutorial le...
On another note on this I ran a small tutorial mu colleague wrote and it turn out alright
I think mySQL is a service so it started already.
So all I had to do was to go to the directory where script was and run the "ruby script/server" command and then go to
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