Sad huh
Open source where are you going?
mySQL got bought by SUN, then SUN got bought by Oracle....
I know I know old news... but it kinda only hit me when we were talking about databases the other day and my friend recommended Postgre.... ironically the one that was not too user friendly is now the last bastion of truth *drama yes* ..... ah well. I hope Oracle does'nt ever get Linux. Another friend commented that its the only missing piece. I have a different view though. I believe Oracle will find it difficult to eat Linux.. it would have an easier time eating MS (MS just has to slip up enuff since, money and current bare relevance is the only hting keepin git afloat).... but then I believed that of many other open source OS =P still I think Oracle (if it even needs an OS - that the current assumption) would simple bypass Linux hoping to fight it off via relevancy. Fortunately that would be tough given how flexible Linux is. One hopes anyways.
mySQL got bought by SUN, then SUN got bought by Oracle....
I know I know old news... but it kinda only hit me when we were talking about databases the other day and my friend recommended Postgre.... ironically the one that was not too user friendly is now the last bastion of truth *drama yes* ..... ah well. I hope Oracle does'nt ever get Linux. Another friend commented that its the only missing piece. I have a different view though. I believe Oracle will find it difficult to eat Linux.. it would have an easier time eating MS (MS just has to slip up enuff since, money and current bare relevance is the only hting keepin git afloat).... but then I believed that of many other open source OS =P still I think Oracle (if it even needs an OS - that the current assumption) would simple bypass Linux hoping to fight it off via relevancy. Fortunately that would be tough given how flexible Linux is. One hopes anyways.